Flour correction
Flour correctors are concentrated technological and/or sensory ingredients that enable the functional profile of flours to be optimised according to the applications required by millers.
Improvers Industry and Craft bakery
Improvers (or additives) used in breadmaking are technical concentrates that facilitate the work of bakery professionals and make it safer by correcting how dough behaves throughout the breadmaking process.
Creation Mixes and Concentrates
Mixes and Premixes (or concentrates) are breadmaking solutions to allow bakers to make a wide range of special breads, high-taste baguettes, pastry and cake products and sweet buns in a quick and easy manner.
MILLBÄKER Designer and producer of ingredient solutions for the baking industry
Le pain Si Trouille - un pain spécial pour Halloween
Une nouveauté alliant croquant et saveurs fruitées !
L'association de l'abricot et du romarin
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The combination between apricot and rosemary
Japanese toast bread
Developing and maximizing the potential of ingredients and their synergies is our daily mission.
From the raw material stage up to turnkey designs, we provide support for your markets through high quality and reliable performance.
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